Vault Enterprise (HCPVLTENT)

This instructor-led course provides in-depth comprehensive knowledge of HashiCorp Vault Enterprise for both operators and developers. Learn how to design, deploy and configure a Vault installation, as well as integrate applications and leverage various features of Vault. The following topics are covered in this course:

Module 1: Vault Architecture
Module 2: Vault Configuration
Module 3: Static Secrets
Module 4: Deploying Secrets
Module 5: Tokens
Module 6: Policies
Module 7: Authentication Methods
Module 8: Dynamic Secrets
Module 9: Vault Deployment Guidelines
Module 10: Vault Operations
Module 11: Incident Management
Module 12: Enterprise Replication 

Developers, DevOps, Security and Operations

What you’ll need:

 – A laptop that is WiFi capable

 – Practical experience with command-line tools and infrastructure as code is helpful

Secrets management with HashiCorp Vault in Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift ENVIRONMENTS (HCPVLT1)

Course Description

Deploy, manage and integrate HashiCorp Vault as highly–available secret management service in your container platform.

This training focuses on relaying fundamental secrets management skills in the popular tool named Vault, vendored by HashiCorp company. It is based on gaining practical hand-on experience provided by numerous challenging exercises implemented by the trainees in a web browser accessible dedicated Lab environment. Training adepts are guided starting with initial installment tasks – 1st and 2nd day operations, then going through typical daily administration and ending with advanced features like supported secret engines and application client integration.


Introduction into HashiCorp Vault

Describe fundamentals, security model, architecture and deployment options.

Vault Deployment and Integration Fundamentals

Introducing various backends and high–availability configurations, Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift cluster deployment, Raft protocol and identity provider integration.

Vault Management Operations

Configuring and using Vault with CLI and Web management tools, implementing Policies, performing troubleshooting backup–restore operations.

Vault Secret Engines and Plugins

Enabling and using popular Cubbyhole, Database and PKI X.509 Certificates Secret Engines.

Vault Agent and Application Integration

Configuring Agent sidecar container and rendering templated secrets, describing available API Client Libraries and Red Hat OpenShift GitOps integration.

Audience and Prerequisites

This training is aimed at system administrators and operators expected to implement and run the Hashicorp Vault secrets management platform, especially in Kubernetes or Red Hat OpenShift environments.

For best experience, participants should be knowledgeable and skilled in the following areas:

  • Regular user experience with Linux platform and CLI
  • Operational knowledge of kubernetes or Red Hat OpenShift – typical platform resources, their usage and manual management with CLI and Web tools