DO180 – Red Hat OpenShift Administration I: Operating a Production Cluster

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    Course description

    Introduction to building and managing containers for deployment on a Kubernetes and OpenShift 4 cluster

    Red Hat OpenShift I: Containers & Kubernetes (DO180) introduces students to building and managing containers for deployment on a Kubernetes cluster. This course helps students build core knowledge and skills in managing containers through hands-on experience with containers, Kubernetes, and the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform needed for multiple roles, including developers, administrators and site reliability engineers.

    This course is based on Red Hat OpenShift® Container Platform 4.10.

    Course content summary

    • Container and OpenShift architecture
    • Creating containerized services
    • Managing containers and container images
    • Creating custom container images
    • Deploying containerized applications on OpenShift
    • Deploying multi-container applications

    Audience for this course

    • Developers who want to containerize software applications.
    • Administrators who are new to container technology and container orchestration.
    • Architects who are looking to use container technologies in software architectures.
    • Site Reliability Engineers who want to support their technology infrastructure using Kubernetes and OpenShift.

    Prerequisites for this course

    • Experience in the use of a Linux terminal session, issuing operating system commands, and familiarity with shell scripting. A Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) certification is recommended but not required.
    • Some experience with web application architectures and their corresponding technologies.

    Cena za osobu

    EUR 2540.00

    Délka kurzu

    4 dny

    Dostupné termíny

    [SK] Bratislava •   Czech
    [CZ] Prague, Praha 2 •   Czech
    [CZ] Prague, Praha 2 •   Czech